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Ignaz is a doctor and as such he can play an important role in long-term transfers. Solid education and continuous training in good sailing and maritime medicine are the basis for him tobe prepared for the last great freedom of our time: to safely enjoy the last great freedom of our time: to sail at any point in the world on our own keel.

His sailing highliths are:
Transfer Martinique- Horta
Azoresn – Madeira with sextant and celestial navigation

Experience and authority
(Education and certificates)

– International Certificate Ocean – no limits sail & power
– Certificate for continental waters and waterways
– Radio license SRC & UBI
– ISAF Training
– medical skipper advanced
– Offshore sailing instructor (OSI)
– Theory exam ocean
– Authority to use pyrotechnics

over 7000 sm


Freedom means responsibility and this requires competence.



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